Dates: mardi 13 et mercredi 14 octobre 2015 (14h-17h); mardi 3 novembre (14h-17h, partage d'expériences)
Lieu: INRIA Saclay, bâtiment Turing, salle Gilles Kahn
Pré-requis: La pratique d'au moins un langage de programmation.
Cette formation est à destination des ingénieurs, chercheurs et (post-)doctorants INRIA.
Le nombre de places est limité. Pour s'inscrire, merci d'écrire
irina.lahaye AT
avant le 30 septembre.
La formation sera dispensée en anglais (interactions en français possibles).
The SED Saclay offers a training course on Software Testing. The course aims to introduce basic software testing concepts and principles, fundamental testing process, testing techniques, and testing tools. The goal is to provide a well-founded basic knowledge of software testing and help the participants grasp a structured and systematic approach for testing and evaluation of software, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of software tests and thus develop quality software.
The course will provide generic knowledge and technique on testing. It will be independent of any programming language. The last session will be devoted to experience exchange and discussions.