jeudi 21 mars 2024
« Next.js is a popular framework built on top of React. Coming from React, or simply the "frontend" world, where everything runs on the browsers could feel a bit confusing. In Next there are different ways like CSR (Client Side Rendering - everything runs on the browser), SSR (Server Side Rendering), Static Site Generation (SSG), ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration). This article explains all of them. »
vendredi 20 janvier 2023
« Some insights about tech hiring in 2023 by the CodinGame. It gives for example feedback about offer and demand on programming languages and frameworks. An extract from the article:

"This year we again surveyed nearly 14,000 professionals to bring you their insights on what 2023 may hold for our industry. Some key highlights:

  • 59% of developers do not have a university degree in Computer Science.
  • The majority of teams are now hybrid, with only 15% of developers working 100% on-site.
  • Despite very public layoffs, developers say they feel at least as secure in their job as last year: 33% say they feel more secure, 41% say they’ve felt no significant change.
  • 1 in 2 developers are considering changing jobs in the next year.

jeudi 31 mars 2022
« Un article de blog comparant les frameworks web FastAPI et Flask et qui permet de se faire une idée des avantages et inconvénients de chacun. FastAPI semble remporter les faveurs de l'auteur. »